Easy dressing
Easy to put on thanks to the soft fabric material.
Хотын төвийн бүсэд хүргэлт 3000₮ ба таны захиалгын дүн 300000₮ дээш бол үнэгүй хүргэнэ. Төвийн бүсд дараах хязгаарууд хамаарна.
Зайсан толгойгоос урагшаа, Яармагийн гүүр, Саппорогийн тойрог, Хорооллын эцэс, Баянбүрдийн тойрог, 100 айл, Сансар болон Жуков, Өгөөмөр зах хүртэл.
Тухайн бараатай хамт хэрэглэгдэх бараанууд
Designed for for adults of 50 to 75 kg (M) who wish to discover swimming with a high level of buoyancy.Suitable for discovering snorkelling.
The Neckvest is worn like a swimming vest and allows adults to learn the strokes under the constant supervision of a person who can swim.
Designed for baby beginner swimmers.
A comfortable and lightweight mesh swim cap that is very easy to put on and take off. Does not pull on hair.
Designed for baby beginner swimmers.
A comfortable and lightweight mesh swim cap that is very easy to put on and take off. Does not pull on hair.