Supple upper and sole.
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Хотын төвийн бүсэд хүргэлт 3000₮ ба таны захиалгын дүн 300000₮ дээш бол үнэгүй хүргэнэ. Төвийн бүсд дараах хязгаарууд хамаарна.
Зайсан толгойгоос урагшаа, Яармагийн гүүр, Саппорогийн тойрог, Хорооллын эцэс, Баянбүрдийн тойрог, 100 айл, Сансар болон Жуков, Өгөөмөр зах хүртэл.
Тухайн бараатай хамт хэрэглэгдэх бараанууд
Designed for baby gym and gym indoors.
Baby's first gym shoes! These easy-to-put-on shoes keep babies from slipping on Baby Gym apparatus.
Designed for young fitness walkers for sessions of up to 30 minutes and/or once or twice a week in dry weather.
Treat your little beginner fitness walker to the different Soft 140 colours.
Designed for young fitness walkers for sessions of up to 30 minutes and/or once or twice a week in dry weather.
Discover fitness walking as a family at an affordable price with the exclusive Flex-H flexibility technology.
Хүүхдийн теннисний гутал нь бат бөх бөгөөд өмсөхөд амар, хальтрахгүй.
Designed for optimal foot comfort for junior snorkelers.
These Aquashoes make snorkelling much simpler! Junior snorkelers can put them on by themselves! The component prevents sand from entering the shoes.
Designed for young fitness walkers for sessions of up to 30 minutes and/or once or twice a week in dry weather.
Lightweight and breathable – perfect for introducing your child to fitness walking in fine weather.